Child-care services for school children

  • More information

    Parents can choose between different care modules for their children.

    • Basic service
      7.30 a.m.
      to 1 p.m.
    • Extended service
      7.30 a.m.
      to 2 p.m.
    • After-school care facility
      from 12.00 p.m.
      to 5 p.m.
    • Combined service
      7.30 a.m.
      to 5 p.m.

The child-care services offered for school children provide a reliable framework before and after school until late afternoon. Flexible care services at schools are offered from 7.30 a.m. to 2 or 5 p.m. including lessons.
Child-care services by the City of Mannheim are a voluntary and fee-based offer with limited capacities.
The care groups are of mixed age and gender, thus offering the opportunity of encounters across all classes. Play, creative and physical activities are tailored to the group and to the individual requirements of the children. The children are provided with a flexible offer of pedagogical value that meets the needs of the children.

Our child-care services for school children...

  • make the start at school easier,
  • promote and guide the children in their everyday school life,
  • support social learning and strengthen individual skills and self-confidence,
  • offer space for discovering, experiencing and learning things appropriate for the age group,
  • are performed by experienced, qualified and committed employees who support the development of schools towards a living environment for children,
  • help and support children in cooperation with the school and the parents when they do their daily homework,
  • include the cooperation with the school and other institutions in the district for the interests and concerns of the children,
  • contribute to shaping everyday school life.

What are the costs of child-care services?

The parental contributions are based on the kind of care service and the income of the parents. Parental contributions and lunch fees are determined by the local council of the City of Mannheim.

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