Schools in Mannheim

  • Contact person

    Fachbereich Bildung
    Head Official
    Dr. Bernd Schmid-Ruhe
  • More information

    There are 80 publicly administered schools in Mannheim:

    • 34 primary schools,
    • 5 secondary modern schools (Werkrealschule),
    • 9 secondary schools (Realschule),
    • 9 grammar schools (Gymnasium),
    • 11 special schools (SBBZ),
    • 7 vocational schools (Berufliche Schulen)
    • 2 community schools (Gemeinschaftsschule) and
    • 1 comprehensive school (IGMH).

Education is the topic of main emphasis in the City of Mannheim!

This was also confirmed by the local council in the budget discussions for the double budget 2010/2011. The significant municipal investments in education and the qualitative further development of schools shall be continued. Important projects such as the general redevelopment of the Karl-Friedrich- and the Johanna-Geissmar-Grammar-School or the reconstruction of the Uhlandschule to fulfil the requirements of a full-time school have been initiated despite the extremely difficult budget situation.

Parallel to purely municipal investments, additional investments in education amounting to 18 million Euros have been made possible by the economic stimulus package II issued by the federal government for 2009/2010. In this way, energy-saving renovations could be completed in many schools.

The expansion of full-time schools is still of particular interest within the municipal development of schools. Joint, all-day learning is currently possible in 17 schools in Mannheim. In the years to come, the constructional and investment prerequisites must be created for another twelve schools that want to become all-day facilities.