Multihalle special panel, Urban Thinkers Campus 2017, Stadthaus N1, Room 52/53
Using the example of the Mannheim Multihalle, built by the Pritzer prize winner Frei Otto and the architect Carlfried Mutschler from Mannheim, we will examine how cities can transfer their cultural heritage, which is partially erased from collective thinking, into a resource for inclusive, economic and social development in promising urban contexts.
The Multihalle has always been discussed due its complex support structure. But its social and civic potential often remains unmentioned. An Urban Thinkers’ Camp, in the run up to Urban Thinkers Campus 2017, takes a civic look at the Multihalle together with its embedded nature in the social topography of this city. The focus is the non-visible dimensions of the building. This involves developing a new interpretation of the Multihalle as a platform for open society, as Frei Otto saw it at the start. An open society, which designs its future in an enlightened, responsible and creative way.
As project cores and for orientation, the 17 UN sustainable development goals (SDG) should be considered as options for action in a European city, and the options for implementing them in Mannheim should be checked and adapted.
How can the SDGs be transferred and broken down for German cities, for Mannheim and for integrated, complex and open lines of city development?
How can these influence and be used in the visionary process of the City of Mannheim?
How can the contributing disciplines bring their know how into the process?
Which role can the development of the Multihalle play in the visionary process for the future of Mannheim - in terms an open project in an open process?
How can the Multihalle become an open space and venue?
1:00 pm Start
5:00 pm End